Composer: Casanelles Abella, Sergi, 1980 -
Country of origin: Spain
Title: Visions d'una guerra; quintet per a clarinet I quartet de cordes
Other titles: Visions of a war; Quintet per a clarinet i cordse "Visions d'una guerra
Movements: Innocents; Scherzo "Destructors;" "Victimes;" Finale: Corale "Desolació"
Year(s) composed: 2004
Publisher: Edited by Brotons & Mercadal
Duration (in minutes): 15
Clarinet type: B-flat
Note: See comment below
First performance: Joana Altadill, clarinet. Clàudia Farrés, Noemí Rubio, violin, Elias Porter, viola, Jordi Claret, cello; EsMUC Hall, Barcelo; April 29, 2004
This piece was written in the shadow of the fruitless demonstrations against war and the subsequent invasion of Iraq in 2003. The elements reflected in the piece can, however, be extrapolated to any situation of war, from a predominately expressionist vision.
Source: composer