Composer: David, Derek, 1985 -
Country of origin: United States
Title: Clarinet Quintet "Oh World, Goodnight"
Other titles: Yiddish: "קלאַרנעט קװינטעט - “אױ װעלט, גוטע נאַכט
Movements: Concertino; Sarabande; Scherzo; Canonic Variations on a Theme by Bach
Year(s) composed: 2022
Publisher: Unleybled Counterpoint
Duration (in minutes): 52
Clarinet type: B - flat, A, bass, E - flat
Note: See comment below
Co-Commissioned by the Rossini Club (Nantucket) and the Del Sol Performing Arts Organization for Del Sol Quartet and Nicholas Davies.
Premiered by Del Sol Quartet and Andrew Friedman and the original commissioner Nicholas Davies (Colorado Symphony)
Note: Alternate version includes an optional offstage vocal quartet
Source: David Stevens, Abstraction Music Group