Composer: Sáenz, Jorge Torres, 1968-
Country of origin: Mexico
Title: I See Beyond Wind-Dimness
Other titles: Por Entre el Aire Oscuro
Year(s) composed: 2002 (rev. 2011)
Publisher: Unpublished
Duration (in minutes): 13
Clarinet type: A
Note: Revised and renamed in 2011
“I See Beyond Wind-Dimness” was premiered on May 19th, 2003 in México City, Foro Internacional de Música Nueva, Auditorio Blas Galindo, Centro Nacional de las Artes with clarinetist, Luis Humberto Ramos and the Cuarteto White string quartet. Recording available at the Audioteca Mexicana de Música de Concierto. The work is a commission of Luis Humberto Ramos and the score is dedicated to Luis Humberto Ramos.
The work was renamed “Por Entre el Aireoscuro” in 2011 by the composer.
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