Composer: Stöver, Franklin, 1953 -
Country of origin: United States
Title: Feulletons nr. 1 for clarinet and string quartet
Other titles:
Movements: Allegretto delicato; Grave; Giocoso pseudo marcia
Year(s) composed: 1982
Publisher: Edition Hohenstaufen (2002)
Duration (in minutes): 10
Clarinet type: B-flat
Note: See comment below
Feuilletons refer to newspaper ephemera and banter of the day. The work was originally composed for clarinet and string quartet in 1982 following the birth of my daughter Kira in Sacramento. In 2002 another movement was added and the 3-movement work was also made available for clarinet quartet (3 B-flat and 1 bass). Aside from the different number of voices in the two versions, there are other notable differences, such as slower metronome markings, and extra bars in movement III of the first version.
Franklin Stöver, Eureka, California